Tips and Tricks for the ABAP® Programming Language
Y9020011: Constructions of an internal table with “… SORTED BY v2”
The internal table ITAB1 is declared with a OCCURS specification of 10 elements. If the number of existing table lines is greater than 10 lines, additional memory space is provided. If the addition ” … SORTED BY v2″ is applied in the APPEND command, no automatic expansion occurs. The table size is fixed according to the OCCURS specification.
In the DO-loop, the table header line is generated 13 times and inserted with “APPEND ITAB1 SORTED BY XFELD” into the data base. A maximum of 10 table lines are made available within the table ITAB1. The smaller key term at a given time in “v2” is overwritten. Also in case of identical keys, the smaller key is removed.
You can cut and paste the source code directly into the ABAP™-Workbench.
REPORT Y9020011 LINE-SIZE 130. "Release 3.1G, 4.5A ************************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 1999 by CT-Team, 33415 Verl, * * You can use or modify this report for your own work as long * as you don't try to sell or republish it. * In no event will the author be liable for indirect, special, * Incidental, or consequental damages (if any) arising out of * the use of this report. * ************************************************************************ BREAK-POINT. MOVE: 'Creating of an internal table with ''APPEND itab SORTED BY..'' ' TO SY-TITLE. ************************************************************************ *************** Internal tables ********************** *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* DATA: BEGIN OF ITAB1 OCCURS 10, XFELD(3) TYPE N, "this should be sorted ascending YFELD(10) TYPE C, CFELD(15) TYPE N, END OF ITAB1. *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* ************* - Main Section ******************* *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* * PERFORM AUFBAU-APPEND-ITAB1. PERFORM DISPLAY-ITAB1. * *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* ************* Subroutines ******************* *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* * * ************************************************************************ * Creating of the table (OCCURS 10) with a do loop (DO 15 TIMES) ************************************************************************ FORM AUFBAU-APPEND-ITAB1. * DATA: Z_FELD(10) TYPE N. FIELD-SYMBOLS: . *....................................................................... WRITE: /5 'Step 1: Creating the internal table ITAB1 ' COLOR 5. WRITE: /5 ' 13 lines will be inserted:' COLOR 6. ULINE. SKIP 2. *....................................................................... MOVE '123' TO ITAB1-XFELD. MOVE ' ARTIKEL-' TO ITAB1-YFELD. GET RUN TIME FIELD Z_FELD. *....................................................................... DO 13 TIMES. IF SY-INDEX LE 8. ADD 10 TO ITAB1-XFELD. ENDIF. GET RUN TIME FIELD Z_FELD. ADD Z_FELD TO ITAB1-CFELD. ASSIGN SY-ABCDE+SY-INDEX(1) TO . "look here while debug! MOVE TO ITAB1-YFELD+9(1). *####################################################################### APPEND ITAB1 SORTED BY XFELD. *####################################################################### WRITE: /1 ITAB1-XFELD, 5 ITAB1-YFELD, 17 ITAB1-CFELD. * ENDDO. * ENDFORM. ************************************************************************ * Display the internal table ITAB ************************************************************************ FORM DISPLAY-ITAB1. * ULINE. SKIP 2. WRITE: /5 'Step 2: The table ITAB only consists of 10 lines:' COLOR 5. ULINE. SKIP 2. *....................................................................... LOOP AT ITAB1. WRITE: /1 ITAB1-XFELD, 5 ITAB1-YFELD, 17 ITAB1-CFELD. ENDLOOP. * ENDFORM. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************* END OF PROGRAM *************************************